COVID-special secret Santa guide: Here's how you can celebrate while working from home

As we all sit at home, in our make-shift offices, connecting with friends and family over video calls, Christmas, like every other festival, needs a COVID-special twist.
Secret santa gifting guide COVID special
Secret santa gifting guide COVID special

The last few days of December, are undeniably the best. Whether it is waking up to mornings bathed in a soft sunny haze, or spending evenings with hot chocolate -- or merely enjoying the chilly winter nights! The festive vibe is in the air, and everyone is looking forward to a new year.

In fact, office parties and Christmas games helps make the month a lot better. But this year, Christmas might be different.

As we all sit at home, in our make-shift offices, connecting with friends and family over video calls, Christmas, like every other festival, needs a covid-special twist.

Here's how you can still celebrate Secret Santa sitting at home:

Go digital

A plethora of sites offer online services for random generation of names, that can help you go digital. Our pick? The Bridge Chronicle suggests Drawnames. helps you go digital with the Santa baby allocation and is a convenient way to make the process hassle-free. All you need to do is make a list of people participating and add it to the site. Additionally, attach the email ids and people can get the names of their Santa babies in their inbox.

The site also provides options for adding a wish list that is only visible to your secret Santa, to make the gifting easy.

But if you are still unsure about what to gift this season, here's are our top picks:

Image source: Unsplash
  1. Calendar - Everyone has their own way of welcoming a new year. But the one thing that cannot be ignored is that a new year brings hope and excitement. Thus, making it a perfect time to gift calendars. Designer calendars make for a budget-friendly and useful gift that is sure to be a hit.

Image source: Unsplash

Night lamps - A gift is a way to remind people of the good times. So, it is essential to find an ideal gift that suits your Santa baby's personality. But if you are unsure about what the other person likes, there are some gifts that can never go wrong. Night lamps that are available in adorable shapes such as cacti, moon, animals are ideal gifts for both male and female co-workers and will stay with them for a long time.

Image source: Baarique

Cutlery - The best thing about cutlery is the fact that its relevant to everyone. Local artisans are known for crafting beautiful cutlery both out of wood and metal. Pick the ones with decorated handles or hand-painted grips.

Image source: Unsplash

Board games - We believe that no one is ever too old to play a board game! Games are a fun way to connect with people and are perfect when you have to spend so much time at home.

Image source: Unsplash

Stationery - Even if most of us are stuck with work-from-home, stationery doesn't ever go waste. Get your Santa baby some cute notepads and colourful pens and brighten the otherwise dull life indoors.

Image source: Unsplash

Book - Even if you are unsure about your Santa baby's reading habits, a book is always a safe gift. Choose a nice collection of stories that could serve as an easy read.

Image source: Unsplash

Colouring book - In times like this, we are all looking to find a stress-buster. Though Netflix serves as a good option, some time away from the screen feels like a blessing. Hence, a colouring book could make for a thoughtful gift. Add in some colouring pens for a special touch.

Image source: Unsplash

Planner - A new year is a good time to start planning and envisioning what you want to achieve and accomplish in the upcoming year. Then be it a start-up that you have been planning for years or a hobby you've always wanted to try. A planner can help keep track and plan your activities better.

Image source: Unsplash

Planter - New year is also the time when people take up resolutions. Science tells us that gardening helps reduce anxiety and stress and if good for your mental health. So, what would be a better gift than a small planter that your Santa baby can care for?

Image source: Unsplash

Ceramic bowls - The movement of local for vocal has given local artisans a platform to come to the forefront. Beautiful cutlery and ceramic good are available online that could be bought at very budget-friendly prices. So sponsor steamy hot soup nights for your co-worker with ceramic bowls. A season special!

Where to find?

Instagram is filled with local artisans and shops that will redily help you with handcrafted goodies. All you need to do is find the right place.

Here are our top recommendations

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