Pune: India’s victory in the T20 World Cup, where they defeated South Africa, was a proud moment for the nation. Among the many contributors to this success was Arun Janaji Kanade, a massage therapist and support staff member from Kalamb, Taluka Ambegaon.
Recognizing his significant role, Kanade was awarded the Gyanlakshmi Yuva Gaurav Award by the Gyanlakshmi National Development Foundation and Saneguruji Katha Mala.
Arun Kanade’s journey from a humble farmer’s family in Kalamb to the Indian cricket team's support staff is inspiring. He moved to Mumbai for better opportunities, following in the footsteps of his father, who worked as a mill worker in Parel.
Despite initial struggles as a driver earning a modest income, Arun's determination led him to train formally in massage therapy. With the encouragement of his mother, Leelabai, and the support of his wife, Jyoti, he started his own practice.
A chance meeting with cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar in 2011 marked a turning point in Kanade’s life. The following year, he joined the Mumbai IPL team as a massage therapist, later working with the Bangalore team.
His ability to connect with players made him a valuable member of the Indian cricket team's support staff, where he has served for the past decade. His behind-the-scenes work has been crucial to the team's success in various tournaments, including the recent T20 World Cup.
In recognition of their contributions, both the players and the support staff, including Kanade, were honored by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, and Deputy Chief Ministers Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar.
Following this, the Saneguruji Katha Mala and Gyanlakshmi Foundation also celebrated Kanade’s achievements with a special award ceremony, where he was presented with a prestigious turban, a copy of the Constitution's preamble, and a special edition of Rashtrabhooshan.
At the event, Prateek Verma and Kiran Nanaware were also recognized for their contributions, with awards presented by senior officials and dignitaries.
The event was introduced by Balasaheb Kanade, president of Saneguruji Katha Mala, Pune District Rural, while Manisha Kanade, president of Gyanlakshmi Foundation, expressed her gratitude in the closing remarks.