Pune: A crocodile was spotted on the wall of Varasgaon Dam around 10 PM on Tuesday (August 6) night, creating a stir among the dam security personnel.
The incident occurred when Rahul Jadhav and Kunal Borade were inspecting the water level on the dam wall. As they moved along the wall, they noticed movement in the darkness and quickly shone a flashlight in the direction, revealing a crocodile moving towards the security post.
The security personnel observed the crocodile in the car headlights, after which it changed direction and continued along the dam wall.
This prompted an immediate report to branch engineer Viresh Raut, who was present on-site and reached the location swiftly. Raut then alerted the Velhe Forest Department about the sighting.
Responding promptly, forest department officials and a rescue team arrived at the scene around 11 PM. They are currently monitoring the crocodile’s movements to ensure safety.
Viresh Raut, an official from the irrigation department, highlighted the importance of regular visits to the dam to check water levels during the rainy season.
He emphasized the danger posed by the crocodile's approach towards the security personnel and suggested that it should be captured and released into the water by the forest department.