Pune: The State Common Entrance Test (CET) Cell has announced the first admission list for the first year of Engineering (BE/BTech) and MBA degree courses.
A total of 126,458 eligible candidates have been offered admission, marking a record number of students in the first round.
Students who have secured a seat in this round must confirm their admission between August 16th and 18th. It is mandatory for students who have been allotted their first-preference college to take admission; failing to do so will disqualify them from participating in subsequent rounds.
However, students who have been allotted seats according to preferences other than their first choice will remain eligible for the next round.
Out of 176,111 students who applied for the first year of Engineering (BE/BTech), 126,458 have secured seats in the first round. Those who have not received their first choice can opt for the 'Not Freeze' option to improve their chances in the second round.
The release of the second selection list is expected in the coming days. Meanwhile, the CET Cell has also announced the first round of admissions for MBA courses.
Out of 57,617 students who filled their preferences for 46,165 available seats, 33,942 have been allotted seats in the first round. These students also have to confirm their admissions between August 16th and 18th.
This year has seen a record number of registrations for the first-year Engineering degree course, with an increase of 34,000 applications compared to last year.
Out of 192,398 students who qualified in the final merit list, 176,111 students filled out their preferences for the first admission round, leading to 126,458 students securing seats, while 49,653 students are currently on the waiting list.