#WorldCancerDay: Five helpful apps to track, beat and brave cancer

From connecting with fellow survivors to tracking your appointments -- there's an app for everything. The Bridge Chronicle brings you five useful apps on World Cancer Day.
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With the digital age upon us, it is no longer a surprise to have an app that caters to our needs. In fact, with the surge in health-based apps in recent years, it has now become manageable, if not simpler, to track your battle against an illness. And while apps can certainly never replace what an oncologist or a specialist can do, it can definitely lend assistance and care whilst building a virtual community. We have a list of five apps based (and designed by former patients) known for their efficacy, support and reviews. Read on to find out more about them:

Cancer Terms Dictionary: Medical jargons can be overwhelming and often complicated to grasp. However, Cancer Terms Dictionary has a user-friendly interface that can help navigate through these terms with ease. It also allows users to learn the pronunciation of these words with a 'speak' option. Cancer Terms Dictionary also doesn't require a lot of bandwidth and will work on low-connectivity.

Available on: iOS & Android

Cancer.Net Mobile: Beginning from diagnosis to treatment, and post-treatment care, Cancer.Net is an oncologist recommended app developed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) to lend expert-approved information. The app provides information on more than 120 types of cancers, helping patients manage their log, treatments by allowing them to track their next appointment with ease. It goes further to connect users with links to cancer-related podcasts, workshops, videos and blogs.

Available on: iOS & Android

TNM Cancer Staging Calculator: Using the AJCC Cancer Staging criteria, this app helps determine the overall stage of a cancer patient. Users can calculate this by providing the app with their medical history. While it warns of not being a substitute to a medical professional, it is considered useful for physicians, surgeons, radiologists, physician assistants, nurses, medical students, trial managers, research and any healthcare professional in the field of oncology.

Available on: iOS & Android

LIGHT for Cancer: An app dedicated to post-recovery, LIGHT for Cancer aims at mindfulness meditation, psychotherapy and spiritual healing. Created by experts, the app intends to help patients recover from chemo, surgeries, manage pain, overcoming fears and elevating the mood using meditative exercises. Users can measure their 'mindful days' by tracking their progress on the app. Apart from this, they can also share their stats with a cancer-fighting friend, while also inspiring them to add mindfulness to their healing journey.

Available on: iOS & Android

War on Cancer: Recognised as the largest free social media app cancer-affected youth, War On Cancer is a social networking app and community where users can find friends, learn from others and share similar experiences. Intending to build a 'supportive community', the app encourages users to share their survival stories and journey navigating through the illness. Users may also follow topics that interest them, be a part of groups and share pictures developed to benefit their mental well-being.

Available on: iOS & Android

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