
Lonar lake in Maharashtra turns pink, experts find it strange

ST Staff

Lonar lake, situated in Buldhana district of Maharashtra has turned it's colour to pink. The mysterious colour change of Lonar Lake left people baffled. Netizens took to twitter to share viral pictures of the lake.

According to a report by Maharashtra Times, it suggests that the growth of Halobacteria and fungus Salina could be a potential explanation for the change in colour of Lonar lake. Another reason could be weather change provoked by cyclonic formation.

However, these are just theories and assumptions, there's no solid evidence found yet.

The forest department has collected some samples from the lake to study and analyse the reason behind the colour change.

Although, this is not the first time colour of the lake has changed, but this is a prominent change, said the experts.

According to The Tribune's report, Lonar lake's colour changed from greenish blue to pink due to increase in salinity and the presence of algae in the water body.

Lonar lake, with a 1.2 km long diameter is considered to be a natural wonder, formed 52,000 years ago.  The meteor crater rim was formed when a two million tonnes weighing meteor struck the earth at 90,000 kmph speed.

The lake is one of the four basaltic impact structures on Earth, and the remaining can be found in the south of Brazil. 

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