
Flora Valley School kids celebrate Raksha bandhan with nature


PUNE: The festival of Raksha bandhan was celebrated in the premises of Flora Valley School and Junior College.

The classes were decorated with the artistic presentations made by the students and teachers. This creative activity was organised to signify and highlight the strong bond of affection shared between a brother and a sister. 

The tiny tots of Kindergarten undertook the activity - ‘Bonding a Rakhi to plants’ in the lush green campus of Flora Valley School. It cemented and strengthened the bond between nature and the innocent children. The kids promised to take care of the plants as they are providers of food and life substances to one and all.

The girls from the primary section came up with an idea to showcase their love for their brothers by drawing beautiful rakhi designs on the chart paper. The boys reciprocated by crafting vibrant greeting cards for their sisters. The boys from the secondary section decorated the sweet dessert plates for the sisters, while girls were engrossed in ‘Thali’ decoration for their brothers. Later, the girls tied the sacred Rakhi on the wrists of boys and received delicious gifts in return.

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